Wednesday 17 December 2014

Celebrity families

I have just found something out.  Something that will, I can imagine, change my life forever for the better.  So, I sat down for a TV binge on The Twelve Drinks Of Christmas with Giles Coren and Alexander (Xander) Armstrong.  Now, as I already knew, Giles' sister, Victoria Coren, is married to David Mitchell (love love), but I now realise that Xander is also Giles' brother-in-law, as he is married to Giles' wife's sister.  Fabulous.  Just imagine the BBQs!  The Christmas parties!  Ah, what I would do to be a fly on the wall of, well, pretty much anything with these people. 

Do you know of any other interlinked families to blow my mind?  Do comment below.

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