Friday 8 February 2013

Tattooed eyebrows a la Natalie Cassidy

Is it just me, or are tattooed eyebrows just a little bit strange? What makes eyebrows eyebrows is that they have differing degrees of light and shade, thickness and thinness, so having a stomping great big caterpillar etched on your face, in something that is effectively poo-coloured permanent marker, looks, well, a bit crap. Not to mention the fact you are stuck with the brows forever. I can just imagine Nat Cass (who, by the way, I don't hate) being old and grey, sporting a very lovely, and very charming dark-brown surprised set of brows. I look forward to that fun.

My tip for eyebrows? Use sharp nail scissors to shape the bottom of your brows, only when they get unruly, and don't pluck or snip above the brow, the hairs grow back in weird angles, which means you loose your arch (thanks J17, circa '98).

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